
“COBA-Cohorts” (COmmunity-BAsed Cohorts) collects harmonised and longitudinal data about testing and sexual behaviour of HIV negative men who have sex with men in European countries, using similar methodology. The objective is to increase knowledge regarding patterns of use of CBVCT services, test seeking and sexual risk behaviours, but also contribute to second generation surveillance for HIV/AIDS by monitoring not only HIV, but also STIs and trends in risk behaviour over time to explain changes in levels of infection.

The COBA-Cohorts study began as part of the Euro HIV EDAT (European HIV Early Diagnosis and Access to Treatment) project, co-funded by the Consumers, Health and Food Executive Agency (CHAFEA) under the European Union Public Health Programme for the period April 2014-September 2017 (No. 2013 1101). Work package 5 of Euro HIV EDAT implemented an open cohort of HIV-negative MSM getting tested in CBVCT services in 6 European countries, based on the experiences of the Barcelona and Lisbon HIV-negative MSM cohorts that already existed.

The main research objectives addressed in the “Report on the determinants of HIV test-seeking behaviour among MSM in Europe” are the following:

  1. To describe the patterns of CBVCT use in MSM,
  2. To identify determinants of HIV/STI test seeking behaviour in MSM,
  3. To assess the HIV infection incidence rate in MSM,
  4. To identify potential risk factors for seroconversion in MSM,
  5. To describe determinants for sexual risk behaviour in MSM.

To find out more about COBA-Cohorts contact the study coordinator Nicolas Lorente