COBATEST Netork is pleased to anounce some important updates regarding the official documents that will be in use from January 1 onwards.

1. New Data Collection Form and Instructions:

   We are pleased to share with you the updated data collection form along with comprehensive instructions for its completion. 

2. Data Collection Forms for PrEP/Chemsex Modules and Other STIs:

   In addition to the general data collection form, we have included the specific updated forms for PrEP/Chemsex modules and other sexually transmitted infections, for those who collect this data.

3. Instructions and Aggregated Data Excel:

   For those submitting aggregated data, detailed instructions and an Excel sheet for aggregated data reporting have been updated.

4. Instructions and Disaggregated Data Excel:

   Likewise, for those submitting disaggregated data, please find updated instructions and the corresponding Excel sheet for your reporting.

All updated documents can be found in здесь.

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